Many healthcare IT systems exist in silos and are not able to exchange information in a meaningful way with systems from other organisations. HL7, the world's leading healthcare standards organisation has created the next generation framework called FHIR or Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to address these problems. There are many advantages to implementing FHIR in your organisation:
FHIR is already in use in many countries including the US, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, Switzerland and Denmark. These countries offer libraries that can be used in implementation depending on the use-case of your organisation.
The specification is open-source and free for use. There are many developers well versed in FHIR implementations and the process is fast and easy.
The foundation of FHIR is based on web standards like REST, XML, JSON, HTTP and OAuth making it suitable for use in distributed environments.
Epic and Cerner, leaders in Electronic Health Record systems are applying the FHIR to their products and are actively participating in FHIR-related activities.
Cloud service giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure all provide FHIR interfaces for health data making the process secure and scalable.
Apple's Healthkit is based on FHIR and iPhone users can receive their medical records from their providers.
We have the necessary expertise to help you plan your strategy for FHIR.
If you are interested in taking the next step in implementing FHIR in your organisation, please send us an email at